Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Impact of COVID-19 on office space (the Office of the Future)

  • Make your introduction clear: What question are you trying to answer? Another example, if your paper is the future of office space, maybe your introduction could say that the 3 trends in office space are the following (then list them) and then use your paper to expound on that.
  • Tables and Charts: Let your manager know where to find key tables and charts. Label each one. Say, please refer to Table 1 (below) which contains our SWOT analysis. Clearly label the table, Table 1.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion should contain no new information. It should reiterate, to the best of your ability, the 3-5 takeaways you want someone to remember. In this case, someone is me.
  • Paper should be 4-5 pages long.

Business Finance Homework Help

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