Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. please complete the following assignment

Please review the Code of Ethics for your specific engineering discipline and consider the ABET Student Outcomes related to ethics and ethical behavior as you prepare a ½ to one page response to the following questions. Please select A or B and respond in essay form.

4.1 – Demonstrate application of professional codes and standards to an engineering problem

4.2 – Recommend ethically sound engineering solutions by considering economic, environmental, and/or societal impact in additional to technical considerations

4.3 – Defend engineering choices using arguments based on ethical and professional responsibility

A.) Why do people resort to unethical behavior and cheat? Please address a current ethical issue related to our current political arena, the Covid 19 pandemic, or an area of technology. Please consider Luke 16:10 in your response. “He (or She) who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he (or she) who is dishonest (or unrighteous) in a very little thing is also dishonest (or unrighteous) in much.”

B.) Think about your dream job that encompasses your passion in life. Imagine that you are working on a project in which you are faced with an ethical crisis that demands your careful consideration. Please briefly describe your situation and using the ABET criteria above as guidelines, describe how you will develop a solution for your ethical challenge. You may use an Engineering Grand Challenge issue, something from the current media, or a historical ethical problem of your choice.

Business Finance Homework Help

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