Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Marketing answer Discussion board and comment on two student’s post

Use the Accenture’s Outlook Report & Consumer Insights Marketer’s Handbook (under Discussion Board Articles link) as the basis for your discussion comparing and contrasting findings of this report with 2 articles by Forbes and the Washingtonian (see below links) on the Millennials as retail shoppers. Also, your commentary should report on the main takeaways from these readings as they relate to the shopping behavior of the Millennials.

Students will be graded based on how they integrate concepts based on lecture materials in understanding the nature of the millennial consumer described in these readings. Also, students are encouraged to research other sources for additional materials related to the millennial as shoppers (list all referenced sources).

IMPORTANT NOTE: YOU MUST START A FRESH NEW THREAD UNDER YOUR NAME TO Answer the below question and related commentary on the above readings:

Discussion: What are the most important takeaways and insights as they relate to how your client can best address the changing desired experiences and journeys of millennial shoppers?

Business Finance Homework Help

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