Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. HW speeches and outlines

Part 1

TED Talk Analysis

TED talks are organized and highly-vetted public speeches that give normal people—people like you and me—a chance to spread their message to the world. Visit and watch several TED speakers. Note that you can sort by topic, speaker, and a host of other criteria. You can watch any TED talk you wish. If you’re looking a more concentrated list, you might also wish to visit this link, which highlights the 25 most popular TED talks of all time.

After watching a TED talk (or a few!), write a short 300-500 word (1.5-2 page) analysis of that talk. Please ensure that you cite the talk you watched in appropriate APA formatting. You should answer the following questions in your analysis:

What is the topic and who is the speaker?

How does the speaker get the audience’s attention in the introduction?

What are the main points of the talk? Are they easily identifiable?

What techniques of delivery does the speaker use effectively (e.g., emotion, vivid language, nonverbals, humor, etc.)? Please be sure to provide examples.

How does the speaker conclude the speech? Does it echo the themes in the introduction and “tie the knot” or does it go in a different direction?

Is the speech effective? Did it leave an impact on you? Tell us why or why not.

What did you learn about speech delivery after listening to this speech?

Part 2

Building upon this week’s lectures and reading, you will complete a chart that will assist you in your upcoming speeches. The purpose of this chart is to:

1.Identity your chosen speech topic, defining both your credibility and your specific goal

2.Identify reputable and scholarly library sources to use as support for your arguments

3.Construct oral citations for those sources to ensure your speech reflects principles of effective and ethical delivery. Use this guide to help with your citations.

Please see the chart attached here. Download it, complete it in Microsoft Word, and then upload the completed document to the assignment folder.

Part 3

In the past two weeks, you analyzed two different TED speakers, providing a section-by-section breakdown of their performance. This week, you will select another TED video to analyze, with a specific focus on their organizational process Visit and watch several TED speakers. Note that you can sort by topic, speaker, and a host of other criteria. You can watch any TED talk you wish—except for the one you watched for the Week 2 or Week 3 assignment. If you’re looking a more concentrated list, you might also wish to visit this link, which highlights the 25 most popular TED talks of all time.

Building upon this week’s lectures and reading, you will outline a talk given by someone else. As you do, think carefully and critically as an audience member. Try to identify clear introductory elements (attention-getter, thesis, credibility statement, preview, etc.), clear main points, transitions, and other devices of speech organization.

Please see the attached outline template here. Download, complete it in Microsoft Word, and then upload the completed document to the assignment folder.

Part 4

Your week 6 assignment is to construct an effective speech based on your new knowledge of all of the components of effective speaking that we covered in the past few weeks. This week, you will construct and delivery an informative speech. The good news? You’ve already got a good start on this process! In weeks 3 and 4, you began working on this—now it’s time to continue building from there to execute an effective informative speech. Your goal is to use principles of effective informative delivery to provide new information and/or clarity about a topic to your audience. Remember—you already chose this topic a few weeks ago and also started gathering sources!

It is critical that you carefully review all course content (lectures, readings, etc.) before completing this task.

Your overall speech should be 4-7 minutes in length and incorporate all of the principles of effective delivery. You will be expected to cite at least 3 academic articles on your topic. You will also be expected to follow all of the guidelines for effective speech delivery. Remember to utilize the speech evaluation worksheet to evaluate your performance on the first draft. You should never submit your first draft as your final draft. Submit only your best. You will be evaluated using the rubric available below.

You must submit an outline along with your speech! Please use the outline template provided to you.

Part 5

Your week 7 assignment is to build upon the momentum of last week’s informative speech. This week, you will provide a speech that has a specific persuasive appeal embedded within it. Your goal is to use principles of effective persuasive delivery to drive your audience towards action. At the conclusion of your speech, your audience should know what you’re asking them to do (e,g., adopt a new idea, cease engaging in a particular activity, continue engaging in a particular activity, avoid engaging in a certain activity, etc.).

You must select a controversial topic for this speech. Remember to use principles of deliberating in good faith! Though you may speak on any controversial you wish, you must take a clear “side” and your argument should reflect a commitment to that side. Though you are not limited to the topics found here, you might find the ProCon website to be helpful starting place.

In your speech, you must clearly demonstrate an understanding of the models, tactics, and strategies of persuasion. It is critical that you carefully review all course content (lectures, readings, etc.) before completing this task.

Your overall speech should be 4-7 minutes in length and incorporate all of the principles of effective delivery. You will be expected to cite at least 3 academic articles on your topic. You will also be expected to follow all of the guidelines for effective speech delivery. Remember to utilize the speech evaluation worksheet to evaluate your performance on the first draft. You should never submit your first draft as your final draft. Submit only your best. You will be evaluated using the rubric available below.

You must submit an outline along with your speech! Please use the outline template provided to you.

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