Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Please write solution to each problem in word document

submit one single word document for this lab.

1) In Excel, generate 500 uniformly distributed random numbers between 0 and 1, then sort them in an increasing order. If you measure the differences of these sorted numbers, you’ll get 499 positive numbers. Use Arena Input Analyzer to fit a distribution on the data. What does the result imply?

2) Continue with Excel, if you think of all the figures as inter arrival times (you can choose unit as hour), please think of a way to check total number of arrivals in every 3 minutes (0.05 hour). Then, you should have 20 data records. Use Arena Input Analyzer to fit a distribution. What would you conclude?

3) Arenia, a new user of Arena, collected some raw data and used Arena Input Analyzer to help investigating distributions. Her results for 2 data series are Gamma(1.01, 5.02) and Beta(0.98, 1.03). Without using any other tools, would you like to share some comments so that her results would make more sense in future simulation?

Business Finance Homework Help

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