Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Prepare a powerpoint presentation of your plans to solve the problem for one of the following research studies.

Use the following headings (one slide each):
1. Statement of the Problem
2. Research Method and Sources of Information
3. Nature of Data to Be Gathered and Analyzed
4. Hypothesis or Hypotheses to Be Proved or Disproved (if feasible)

1. Investigate a problem occurring on the campus (e.g., declining enrollment in some majors, increasing tuition, delayed financial aid payments, high cost of textbooks, or closed classes) or in your job or a student organization position you hold.

2. As a branch manager of a bank, you are faced with the task in a sagging economy of reassuring customers of the solvency of your institution. Your current strategies for casting a positive light on negative performance indicators don’t seem to be effective.

3. For the first time, Greenwood Consulting Group held an all-company retreat that included customer service training, team-building sessions, and numerous social activities. Eight months following the conference, neither customer service nor employee morale seem to have had any noticeable improvement, and you must find out why, so you can decide whether to schedule the retreat for the coming year.

Business Finance Homework Help

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