Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Need help on portfolio project

Read the following Case Study:

Franz, D. R. (2018). “Back to the future” (or how a product last sold almost 60 years ago resulted in a current financial statement restatement) (Links to an external site.). Issues in Accounting Education, 33(2), 9–17.

Answer the following questions:

In preparing your answers for questions 1 to 4, you will need to
refer to OI’s amended 10-K for 2015, which can be found by clicking here (Links to an external site.).

  • What journal entry would OI have made to record the additional $295 million of asbestos liability?
  • Briefly summarize the effect of the restatement on the following financial statements.
    • The income statement.
    • The balance sheet.
    • The statement of cash flows.
    • The statement of share owners’ equity.
  • What accounts were affected? By how much? What other disclosures were
    impacted? Note 1 in the restated 2015 10-K describes the changes.

  • Explain why OI’s treatment resulted in an increase to the earnings for 2015, 2014, and 2013.
  • Based on OI’s disclosures in the 10-K prior to restatement, was it
    clear that the firm was using a three-year period to estimate asbestos
    litigation? Be sure to explain your response.
  • The discussion between the SEC and OI was extensive and interesting.
    Appendix A shows all of the correspondence between the two and includes
    web links to the letters. The following questions are based on those
    letters and the information in the case.

    • Briefly summarize OI’s justification of its treatment of the
      unasserted asbestos liability. What are the pros and cons of OI’s
      original treatment of the asbestos liability?
    • Briefly summarize the SEC’s position regarding the treatment of the
      unasserted asbestos liability. What are the pros and cons of the SEC’s
    • Which approach do you find preferable and why? You can choose either
      OI or the SEC, but your analysis needs to be based on something other
      than the fact that the SEC prevailed or OI did not.
  • How is OI’s experience with asbestos litigation similar to Garlock’s? How is it different?
  • Approaching this issue as a member of OI’s executive management
    group, describe how your approach to asbestos litigation would be
    similar to or different from OI’s.

Submission Requirements:

  • Your Word document should be 8–10 pages in length (not including the
    required cover and references pages). Submissions in excess of 10 pages
    are permitted. It is highly recommended that you include in bold type
    the questions you are required to answer, with the answers directly
    underneath each question.
  • You must submit an Excel file as a separate file supporting your submission.

Business Finance Homework Help

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