Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. reply questions

discussion question about 120 words for each one

1.What are the principal benefits of developing a comprehensive project scope analysis?

2.”Trust can actually encourage disagreement and conflict among team members.” Explain why this could be the case

3.Explain the difference between managerial contingency and task contingency.

4.List three methods for deriving duration estimates for project activities. What are the strengths and weaknesses associated with each method?

5.The advantage of Gantt charts lies in their linkage to the project schedule baseline. Explain this concept.

6.What are the practical implications internally (in terms of team motivation) and externally (for the customer) of making overly optimistic project delivery promises?

7.For many projects, the key resources to be managed are the project team personnel. Explain in what sense and how project team personnel are often the project’s critical resource.

8.Consider the major findings of the research on human factors in project implementation. What common themes seem to emerge from the research on behavioral issues as a critical element in determining project status?

9.Comment on the different methods for project termination. How have you seen an example of one of these methods, through either your school or work experience?

Business Finance Homework Help

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