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Business Finance Homework Help. cool learn system

NoTE: Go Through the Details and Prepare a spread sheet for cool learning system.

In this case study, you have been hired to advise the Department of Education on a pilot project. Across the country, getting young people between the ages of 16 and 18 to remain interested in attending school and preparing for college is a big challenge. The department is concerned that this limited interest in schooling on the part of 16- to 18-year-old youths will have a negative impact on the country’s long-term development prospects, including a shortage of the skills needed by industry that will lead to reduced economic growth and increased poverty. In an attempt to encourage learning among people in this age group, the department has developed a new business model for learning that is specifically targeted to these youngsters. The new model of learning is designed to entice 16-to 18-year-olds to remain in school and has been advertised extensively in the media. It has also been branded and is called Cool Learning (this is a fictitious name). However, before rolling out Cool Learning across the country, the department would like to pilot it in two areas. The pilot will start in the coming academic year and will cover the selected two areas, whereas in all other areas, the current format (the Base Case model) of teaching will continue to be used.

Follow proper APA format were applicable. Show your work for any calculations and cite any outside references used.

we will focus on an options appraisal case study. In this case study, you have been hired to advise the Department of Education on a pilot project. Across the country, getting young people between the ages of 16 and 18 to remain interested in attending school and prepar- ing for college is a big challenge. The department is concerned that this limited interest in schooling on the part of 16- to 18-year-old youths will have a negative impact on the country’s long-term development pros- pects, including a shortage of the skills needed by industry that will lead to reduced economic growth and increased poverty. In an attempt to encourage learning among people in this age group, the department has developed a new business model for learning that is specifically targeted to these youngsters. The new model of learning is designed to entice 16- to 18-year-olds to remain in school and has been advertised extensively in the media. It has also been branded and is called Cool Learning (this is a fictitious name). However, before rolling out Cool Learning across the country, the department would like to pilot it in two areas. The pilot will start in the coming academic year and will cover the selected two areas,whereas in all other areas, the current format.

The Base Case model is the current approach to learning, in which students attend high school for three or four years. We are specifically interested in what happens during the last two years of high school (the 16 to 18 year olds); at the end of which students who pass their final exams graduate and go on to college. The Base Case model has been used for years, and we know both average pass rates and the cost (to the government) per student. The cost is measured in terms of the amount of money spent by the government on providing learning. The benefit is measured in terms of the number of students and the pass rate (defined as the number of students who qualify to go on to college divided by the number of students).

The Base Case key inputs are:  Cost per student in previous academic year


The Cool Learning model does not change either the content of the learning or the time it takes to complete it (two years). It simply repack- ages the learning in order to make it more attractive to the students or learners. It involves giving each student or learner an account

This case study is what is often referred to as an options appraisal case, in which we are comparing multiple options or scenarios. In our case, we have two options to compare: Base Case and Cool Learning. Please note that the Base Case option is often referred to as the Do Nothing option and is always a possibility. Indeed, the Department of Education could decide that Cool Learning is not an option and so carry on with its current approach to learning.

For each option, we need to evaluate the cost of that option, the number of students involved, and, based on an assumed pass rate, the number of students qualified for admission to college. Once these results are known, it will be easier to make an informed comparison of the two options.

7.4.1 Base case Model

The Base Case is the way learning at the high school level (that is, for students aged 16 to 18) has been carried out in the c

Cost per learner. Based on inflation forecasts, it is possible to project the historical cost per learner for Years 1 and 2.

 Success rate. This is assumed to be equal to the pass rate for the previous academic year.

 Funds available for learning. The budget that would have been spent on providing learning to the students using the Base Case model in those two areas is known. However, to ensure that we are comparing both options on the same basis, we will take the funds available for learning in the Base Case model as being those available with the Cool Learning model (discussed in the next section).


 Number of learners. This is calculated as funds available for learning divided by the projected cost per learner.

 Number of high school qualifications (or number of students qualified for admission to college). This is calculated as number of learners times the success rate.

 Cost per high school qualification. This is calculated as funds available for learning divided by number of high school qualifications.

7.4.2 cool learning Pilot

The Cool Learning model is the new appr

Additional implementation costs. In addition to the standard amount of funds provided for Cool Learning in each of the two areas, the department has provided further funding for addi- tional costs required to implement the new scheme.

 Success rate. This is assumed to be equal to the pass rate for the previous academic year. Note that Cool Learning is expected to increase students’ interest in learning, and so the pass rate should increase. But to be conservative, the pass rate is assumed to be identical to that of the Base Case model.


 Funds available for learning. This is calculated as the sum of the cost of learning and additional implementation costs, and it represents the total amount available for spending under Cool Learning. Since we are comparing the Base Case model with the Cool Learning model, both options will use the same funds available for learning.

 Cost per learner. This is calculated as the cost per learner under the Base Case plus the additional implementation costs bud- geted for Cool Learning divided by the number of learners.

 Number of learners. This is calculated as funds available for learning divided by the projected cost per learner.

 Number of high school qualifications. This is calculated as the number of learners times the success rate.

 Cost per high school qualification. This is calculated as funds available for learning divided by number of high school qualifications.

 Break-even success rate. One of the key questions you must help the department answer is what it would take for Cool Learning to be a worthwhile investment. One way of approaching this question is to think in terms of the number of qualifications achieved under the Cool Learning pilot. Ultimately, the depart- ment is looking to achieve a large number of high school graduates who are eligible to go on to college. And so in order for the Cool Learning pilot to be worthwhile, it will have to achieve at least the same number of high school qualifications as the Base Case. But we know that the cost per student for Cool Learning is higher than that for the Base Case because

in addition to the Base Case cost per student, we have to add the additional Cool Learning implementation cost per stu- dent. Therefore, in order to achieve at least the same

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