Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. A journal writing for leadership course

Leadership Learning Journals
Overview and Rationale

Journal writing is a critical part of becoming self-aware and developing effective leadership capability.
Keeping a journal can help you integrate learning from your reading and class discussions with your
previous or current leadership experiences. Each week you will be assigned a reflective exercise and a
self-assessment to help you learn more about yourself, as a leader. The reflective exercise will be posted
in the course materials section of Blackboard. The reflective journals will become input for your
Leadership Self-Assessment due the last week of the course.

journal writing based on these five points

Readings or discussions that surprised you or changed an opinion you previously held

• Connections you made to your personal and professional life

• What are leadership models I value and identify with?

• What strengths do I have that will help facilitate my development as a leader?

• How do others model leadership skills? How do I model these?

For the second point, you can cite some reference from book or internet as your example.

For the fourth point, my strengths is problem-solving, confident, determined,and dependable.

Please, follow the document attached below.

For this requirement There should be one paragraph, minimum, written for each aspect of the course: in-person,
Blackboard discussions, assignments/assessments, and course readings.

You can just imagine in person is good teacher and positive classmates. And we have two blackboard discussions now. one is

(After reading chapter 1 and viewing the video THINK: A Forum on the Future of Leadership, please participate in the following discussion:

Compare & contrast leaders and managers from Kotter’s perspective, then from Zaleznik’s perspective.

Can someone be a leader and a manager? )

And another is

After reading Chapter 3, The Skills Approach, please discuss the following questions on Case C3.3: Andy’s Recipe on pages 64-66 in our text Leadership:

  • What accounts for Andy’ success in the restaurant business?
  • From the Skills approach, how would you describe the 3 managers Kelly, Danielle, and Patrick? What does each of them need to do to improve his/her skills?
  • How would you describe ANdy’s competencies? Does ANdy’s leadership suggest that one does not need all three skills in order to be effective?

I will attached our textbook below and you can find the content for the discussion.

You just need use Chapter 1 to Chapter 4 from textbook in this journal writing.

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