Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Are you good with a research paper?

You can pick a topic that interests you in the field of Emergency Management or you can research a past disaster and report on how it was handled and what you would have done differently with the information that you now are aware of in this area.

A 5 – 7 page research paper.Borders are to be 1” maximum. Times New Roman will be the font set at size 12, double spaced.A maximum of two pictures, charts, etc. can be inserted into the paper. Additional photographs may be included but they will not count toward the 5 – 7 page requirement.A resource page shall be submitted using APA format citing all sources. At least 5 resources shall be used.Research should be conducted with references other than the text.For further information on the APA style. a powerpoint presentation (10 slides) or a 2 page executive summary of the paper.The cover page, outline and the resource page do not count toward the 5 – 7 page requirements.

Business Finance Homework Help

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