Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. MGMT495 UNIT3DB Exploring Entrepreneurism

MGMT495 Business Capstone

Unit 3: Exploring Entrepreneurism – Type: Discussion Board

Deliverable Length: 500600 words

Using the Internet and other resources, select an existing company in any industry, and identify the following points:

  • Introduction:Describe the company, its industry, and its business context.
  • Critical incidents:Include any stories of the organization’s challenges or achievements. How did it overcome the challenges? How did it accomplish its achievements?
  • Investment potential:Include any of its current issues that need to be addressed or its potential goals for growth.
  • Conclusion:Would you invest in this company? Why or why not?

Please use APA style and a minimum of 3 references and citations.

I will send instructor’s notes.

Business Finance Homework Help

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