Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. MKT 4210 University of Manitoba Analysis of Lululemon Marketing Case Study

maximum 3 page (double spaced 12 pt. font) written

analysis of the case:

Page 1: SWOT Analysis and STP (describe the company’s CURRENT segmentation, targeting, and positioning)

Page 2: Analyze the case, guided by the case-specific question(s)


  • Does Lululemon have a problem? If so, what is it? What evidence do you have of this?

= Who is Lululemon’s main competition? Who? How are these competitors different?

  • How does Lululemon provide unique value to its customers?
  • Expand your research beyond the material presented in the case.
  • Analyze this case at the time of the case, not in current times

Page 3: Make specific recommendations for strategy and tactics.

The SWOT may be in table format.

You may also include a fourth page with images, tables, and/or calculations to illustrate your analysis

Due in 10 hours

Business Finance Homework Help

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