Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Financial Analysis and Funding Plan

Submit a financial analysis and funding plan for a new event planning company throwing it’s 1st annual empowerment brunch.

Note each of the following critical elements carefully—they require numerical analysis and financial projections. They must all be present (and easy to find)

  • Financial Analysis requires, “an analysis of projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point.”
  • Analysis Parts requires, “a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital.” Put the budget in a table or some other easy to read format—not just buried in a paragraph.
  • Financial Reports requires, “proforma financial reports including sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections.” These should each be in standard financial proforma format.

Critical Elements:

Analyze the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point

Include the following as part of your analysis: Budget, Assessment of assets and liabilities, Anticipated sources of funding , Associated costs of attaining that capital

Include relevant proforma financial reports: Sales forecasts, Cash flow statements , Income projections , All other relevant reports specific to your concept or idea

Please read the attached papers to get an understanding of who the company is and what it is planning for the community. Also visit the website :

The only current investors are the owner( Shirley Harvey- $400) (Latoya Flanigan – $1000) ( Clearance Lewis $1500)

please understand that projections need to be correct—income statements, cash flow, and balance need to tie in together

I suggest that you use the critical elements as headers in the paper as well as a short introduction and conclusion, as follows:

  • Introduction
  • Financial Analysis
  • Analysis Parts
  • Financial Reports
  • Conclusion
  • Appendices (note, this does not count against the length of the paper)

5-8 pages double spaced not including the title page, appendices, references,

5 Sources

APA format

USe original Work

Business Finance Homework Help

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