Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Management of international trade


Student Name, date, and abstract number.
Journal/Periodical Name Vol. # or Internet
site. “Article Title”, page number

Summary: (Bold & Underline)

 One or two paragraphs giving a brief overview of the article.
Reaction: (Bold & Underline)

 One or two paragraphs giving your personal opinion on the subject; what
you thought of the article.

Application: (Bold & Underline)

 One or two paragraphs explaining how you can use this information, or how you have
used it the past, professionally or personally.

Note: Use articles that are related to Management of International Trade and how the concepts,
tools, or techniques can be used to affect, implement, or develop International Trade efficiency,
productivity, synchronization, etc.

Abstracts must be typed (at least Times New Roman 11 font), double-spaced, 

Business Finance Homework Help

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