Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. 2 Business Management Discussion Questions, writing homework help


Please be sure to use the
course material using in-text citations and a reference list to cite the
source(s) used.  Remember, an
in-text citation cannot exist without having a corresponding reference list and
a reference list cannot exist without having a corresponding in-text citation

Use of the course material using in-text citations and a reference list is
always expected in the learning activities and good practice for the
assignments in the course.

Learning Activity 1 Theme One:Leadership style has a direct
effect on employee commitment and organizational effectiveness.

the results and how leadership style can affect employee commitment and
organizational effectiveness.  Be sure to define in your own words,
employee commitment and organizational effectiveness before showing how the
leadership style relates to the two concepts.  Also, discuss how style
affects communication, employee input, morale and goals with respect to
commitment and organizational effectiveness.

For example, a person with an
authoritarian style might communicate only those ideas they he is she deems
important for an employee to know. This can lead to inaccurate execution
of tasks or morale issues. 


Diplomats prize interpersonal harmony.
They are the social glue and affiliative force that keeps groups together.
They’re typically kind, social, and giving, and often have deep personal bonds
with their employees. And they’re often known for being able to resolve
conflicts peacefully (and avoid them in the first place). Working for Diplomats
is often more fun and social than working for other leaders (especially the
Pragmatists). Diplomats put less emphasis on challenging their employees than
they do putting their people in positions to succeed and leverage their
strengths. Diplomats work to avoid having people feel uncomfortable or anxious.
Traditional measures of employee satisfaction are often very high for
Diplomats. For the appropriate people, it’s a great situation. Famous Diplomats
include Mohandas Gandhi and Sheryl Sandberg (COO of Facebook).

RESULT Your leadership style is Participative

Participative or
democratic leadership is a great way to build a happy team and make employees
feel great about themselves and what they can give to the company. Good thing
you’re so good at it! You probably know just how to motivate truly creative
types to achieve their best, while making yourself look good at the same time.
The down side is that it can lead to a little bit of (dare we say) inefficiency
and delay in action sometimes. So make sure you have a way to keep your team on
track and headed for success and go for it!

Learning Activity 2 Theme Two:Leadership style should fit the person, the organization, and the
job. It should be situational in nature.

You are the Package Distribution Manager for GDD.  It has
come to your attention that five drivers in your region have serious errors in
their delivery report logs.  The delivery report is key to controlling package
flow and must be accurate.  If not, GDD will not be paid by their clients
and would quickly lose their business to Fed Ex or UPS.  One of the
drivers accounts for 60% of the errors.  She is a nice person, reliable
but occasionally late to work because of conflicts with getting her kids to
school on time. She is a single mother. A second driver accounts for 30% of the
errors. This driver is new to the company and while his error numbers are high
they have declined from last month.  The other driver’s errors hover
around 10 to 15%.

After taking the quizzes below and using the course readings to
delve deeper into your leadership style, answer the following questions using
the style that is indicated in the test results.

will you go about correcting the problem?  Will you meet with the workers
individually? in a group?  What will you say and how will you get the
workers to listen?

your conversation, what would you do if the next set of reports show some
improvement in the 60% employee but none in the 10-15% employees? What would
you do then?

leadership style did you use?  Was it easy to use the leadership style? Or
Hard? Did you find that the leadership style might not really be helpful in
your approach to each situation?  Do you believe another style might be
better in one or the other of the situations? If so which one and why? If not,
why not?

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