Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Specific Instructions

The state legislature has agreed to go forth with one of the two policy proposals that you formulated in the Week 4 Key Assignment draft. You will now have to explain how the policy will be implemented and what challenges will be faced during implementation.

Part 1 Tasks (Objectives from Weeks 1–4):

  • First, revise your Week 4 Key Assignment draft based on your own review and reflection, instructor feedback, and peer responses.

Instructors feedback on the F I got. Please add on as I attached the assignment you submitted to me. Just highlight the updates in yellow please:

Strengths: Bianca this is a good start to a research paper but it is not a public policy proposal. Needs to be in MEMORANDUM FORMAT. We are asking for a REAL solution, not a great idea if you can find the money. It is not clear which local juvenile justice policy you are changing. You are simply exploring using Bootcamps as a solution. The problem must identify a public policy you are going to fix. The problem must be measurable. . Opportunities for improvement: You were to identify a local juvenile justice public policy and provide an ACTION PROPOSAL as to how to fix it. An actual policy proposal identifies the problem and creates practical and real solutions. Providing step by step real methodology to get the proposal in place. Research was requested in Unit 1 now it is time for action. Now we want actual real proposal to solve the problem. Who is hired, how much does it cost, where is the money coming from exactly? What is the daily agenda for the appointees? Who are the stakeholders when you state “we”? We are not asking what should or could happen but what you are directing to happen in each solution. The criteria for judging the success must be specific to the two solutions you provide. The criteria must be measurable and specific. Then for each option, that you give the Board of Legislatures, you must discuss the projective outcomes of each solution. Especially when one of the solutions is to do nothing different. Please discuss specifics as to what is happening under the current policy . The trade offs examine the pros and cons to each solution comparatively and finally give us a suggestion as to which of the two proposed solutions you recommend. . Additional Comments: The opposing side is missing from this paper. Providing more than one perspective to the issue is important when drafting public policy. .

Part 2 Tasks (Objective(s) from Week 5):

  • Add 2–3 additional pages of content to your final Key Assignment by selecting 1 of the 2 initiatives you recommended in Week 4 and addressing the following questions regarding the recommended policy:
    • What cost factors do you anticipate affecting implementation of the selected policy?
    • What strategy would you recommend to involve the media or other groups in an effort to inform the public and stakeholders about the new policy?
    • Articulate how research evidence played a significant role in your final policy recommendation.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Business Finance Homework Help

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