Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. San Diego State University Pepsi Company SWOT Analysis

1) Should Investors Buy or Short the stock?

2) What is the target price?

Required Items


1) Use at least 4 Bloomberg templates to make your case

2) Company Analysis (i.e. SWOT analysis)

3a) Cash Flow Analysis (Top Down Assumptions)

– How does the recent US China trade issues affect you?

– What is the appropriate beta to consider? (1Y, 3Y, 5Y, etc.)

3b) Cash Flow Analysis (Bottom Up Assumptions)

– Projects, revenues, costs (similar to Table 19.1)

– Appropriate discount rate (cost of capital)

– Sensitivity analysis (cash flows and discount rates – main assumptions can be sales growth rates and market betas)

– Compare assumptions with analyst assumptions

4) Chart that shows historical price

– Show every bond issuance (with arrows)

– How does the stock price perform -3 to +3 days after debt issuance? (Relative to market)

– What is the rating? yield? How is the yield compared to the benchmark?

– What was the debt ratio at the time of issuance? (Table 18.1 comparison)

-5) Chart that shows insider selling (at least over past 2 years)

– Bloomberg or SEC documents

– Stock price reaction when market becomes informed of insider selling

6) Chart that shows merger activity

– Stock price reaction to merger announcement

– In comparison to market returns

7 – please include bonds , options, and forecasting, and CDS

What I need from you: PEPSI CO

1) POWERPOINT PRESENTATION ( 18-25 slides) associated with your research

2) Report also due in Class (10+) pages

Let me know if you have any further questions

Business Finance Homework Help

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