Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Ratios, Calculations…

This is an assignment that was already completed once, but it did not pass and it needs the eye of someone highly skilled with financial ratios. If you do not completely understand accounting and business analysis please do not bid on this. I will tip very well on this assignment when it comes back graded and passed.

Anyhow–I have a number of documents including the existing work, the grader’s comments so you know what needs to be fixed. Note that the grader’s comments document includes the rubric and many important comments that MUST be addressed.

Current Ratio – Current Assets/Current Liabilities

Acid-Test Ratio – Cash + Short Term Investments + Acct. Rec. Net/Current Liabilities

Inventory Turnover – Cost of goods sold/Average Inventory

Accounts Receivable Turnover – Credit Sales/Average AR

Days Sales in Receivables ¿ 2 Step Process

Step 1 – Net Credit Sales/365 = One days sales

Step 2 – Average Net Accounts Receivable/One Days credit sales

Debt Ratio – Total Liabilities/Total Assets

Times-Interest Earned – Income from Operations/Interest Expense

Rate of Return on Net Sales – Net Income/Net Sales

Rate of Return on Total Assets – Net Income + Interest Expense/Average Total Assets

Rate of Return on Common Stockholder¿s Equity – Net Income-Preferred Dividends/Average Common Stockholder¿s Equity

Earnings per Share – Net Income – Preferred Dividends/Number of Shares of Common Stock Outstanding

Price Earnings Ratio – Market Price per Share/Earnings per Share

Book Value per Share of Common Stock – Stockholders Equity/Number of Shares of Common Stock Outstanding








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