Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Watch videos and answer questions


A.) Answer the 2 questions listed after watching the video below.

“Understanding Eligibility, Enrollment Process, and Basics of Medicare Parts A and B”

A. Tacchino, K. Tacchino, Schobel (15:28)

1. What are the key points a planner should know about eligibility and enrollment in Medicare?

2. Describe the Medicare initial enrollment period.

B.) Define the following 11 terms after watching the video below

“Basic Medicare and Healthcare Terminology”

A. Tacchino, K. Tacchino, Schobel (33:54)

1. Benefit Period

2. Premium

3. Deductible

4. Coinsurance

5. Custodial Care

6. Formulary

7. Hospice Care

8. Hospital Care (inpatient)

9. Medicaid spend down

10. Respite Care

11. Secondary Payer


Watch the four videos below about Medigap insurance.

After viewing the Medigap videos below please write a one to two page brochure for your clients illustrating how the Medigap system works and describing the value of purchasing a Medigap policy. The brochure should be more factual than “sales oriented”.

1. “Overview of Medigap Policies”

A. Tacchino and McLellan (12:36)

2. “Understanding the Core and Other Benefits Covered in Medigap Policies”

A. Tacchino and McLellan (25:36)

3. “”Kinks” in the Medigap System”

A. Tacchino and McLellan (2:59)

4. “Understanding the Pricing and Payment Structure of Medigap”

A. Tacchino and McLellan (12:59)

Business Finance Homework Help

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