Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Week 5 Assignment HRM/326

  1. Avondale Industries’ training and development office met
    with upper management to determine what next year’s needs and goals of
    the company were. The office then went to work on designing and
    developing training that would help the company train its employees to
    reach the company’s goals. The team was enthusiastic about its training
    courses and sent out an email listing the schedule and topics, but when
    the first two training sessions were offered, most managers chose not to
    send any of their employees. Which statement best explains what the
    trainers should have done that would have helped increase participation?

  2. Bookmark question for later

    Avondale Industries’ avionics division asked the training
    and development office to assist them in implementing training on new
    equipment that would be installed in all sites, including the global
    sites. An analysis of the work to be done, as well as what the key tasks
    are, was provided to the trainers. The next step was to develop a list
    of what was needed for employees to successfully complete the work. The
    trainers requested that each site select two of their very best
    employees to participate in a few focus groups to help the trainers
    design the training. What can the employees contribute to help the
    trainers design a more effective training program?

  3. Bookmark question for later

    Avondale Industries adopted a new customer relationship
    management (CRM) service and first implemented it in its sales and
    marketing departments. Upper management is rolling the CRM out to its
    other customer-facing departments next (recruiting, customer service,
    and business services), and the training and development office has been
    asked to arrange the training. Several employees in business services
    are highly skeptical of the CRM adoption because they have seen tools
    come and go that are supposed to be the latest and greatest in managing
    customer relationships to help business grow. The trainers have enlisted
    the help of two of the CRM champions, one from sales and one from
    marketing, who are passionate about the CRM and are skilled in its use.
    They plan on having the employees jump right in and start using the
    software to demonstrate how having the right data can create incredible
    customer experiences. Why might having the CRM champions help improve
    the training experience for the nay-sayers and help them be motivated to

  4. Bookmark question for later

    Before providing software training for the engineers at
    Avondale Industries’ site in Bengaluru, India, the training and
    development office sent out a survey to participants to learn their
    career goals. How can this step help improve the training the company
    plans to provide for the engineers?

  5. Bookmark question for later

    The production site of the avionics division of Avondale
    Industries in Tucson, AZ, close to the US-Mexican border, relies heavily
    on workers who have immigrated from Mexico. Over the years as the
    company has added more automation on the production line, the company
    has found that many of its frontline workers, who have an excellent work
    ethic, lack the basic reading and math skills needed to solve problems
    that arise. To address the issue, the company contracted with an online
    educational software company to improve the employees’ literacy and
    quantitative skills. Employees who successfully pass courses receive
    subsequent bumps in salary and promotions. Which of the following
    statements best explains why the training has been successful?

  6. Bookmark question for later

    When designing a diversity training program for its
    supervisors and managers, Avondale Industries’ training and development
    office was faced with the daunting task of delivering an effective
    training on a limited budget to its 24,000 employees at its seven US
    sites as well as its four global sites. The purpose of the training was
    to increase employee cultural awareness as well as improve employees’
    ability to communicate effectively with others in different states and
    countries who might have differing views. Which of the following
    approaches will best meet the company’s needs to train its employees on
    this very important topic?

  7. Bookmark question for later

    Avondale Industries just hired a new trainer, a recent
    graduate from a prestigious master’s program in human resources. After
    two weeks on the job, he was sent to conduct a training session for new
    HR employees in Avondale’s two sites in Texas. Feedback from the
    training revealed the training was poorly received, and the trainer
    especially received negative feedback. The new trainer was highly
    recommended by the university (Avondale recruits there regularly), and
    so the company does not want to dismiss him because of one failed
    attempt. Which option is best for the company to do to help this new
    trainer improve and have a successful career?

  8. Bookmark question for later

    The trainers at Avondale Industries use the ADDIE (analyze,
    design, develop, implement, and evaluate) model of instructional design
    to create new training programs. When designing a new training program,
    why should they always consider how employees will transfer their
    training back to their jobs?

  9. Bookmark question for later

    When Avondale Industries acquired the adhesives and
    sealants company, they needed to hire a great many new employees for the
    production line. In order to provide training for a large number of
    frontline employees, the company duplicated part of the production line
    so the trainees could receive hands-on training and practice what they
    were learning. They were able to practice extensively for two days. Why
    was this type of training especially successful when the trainees went
    to work on the line?

  10. Bookmark question for later

    Avondale Industries engaged the services of a consultant to
    help company executives as they developed the company’s strategy plan
    for the next five years. The consultant, an expert in strategy, insisted
    that, as part of his assignment, he be allowed to visit the different
    departments in company headquarters where he could meet with employees
    and question them about job challenges, company culture, and work
    climate. The consultant spent two days with frontline employees before
    meeting with the executives. Which of the following best explains why it
    was important that the consultant familiarize himself with the company
    this way?

  11. Bookmark question for later

    After each training session, the training and development
    office at Avondale Industries asks participants to complete a survey.
    Feedback from the participants helps the trainers evaluate the
    effectiveness of the training, make improvements, and plan for future
    courses. The surveys always ask participants’ if they found the training
    relevant and engaging. Why are positive trainee reactions important to
    the trainers and the company?

  12. Bookmark question for later

    The training and development office at Avondale Industries
    was asked to determine the return on investment (ROI) for its new
    training program for company recruiters. Recruiters were asked to
    compare their productivity before the training to after the training
    (productivity was calculated by counting the number of recruits they
    attracted to the company during a one-month period, both last year,
    before the training, and this year, after the training). There was an
    increase in new hires, and a dollar value was given to this number. This
    number was then divided by the cost of the training. The return on
    investment showed an approximate 32 percent increase in recruiting.
    Which statement best answers the question of whether the company should
    make the training and development office gather this data to determine
    if the new training program was effective and why?

  13. Bookmark question for later

    Avondale Industries’ training and development office was
    trying to assess whether their training for new sales personnel for the
    avionics division was effective. The office set up training for three of
    the sites, two in the US and one abroad and did not provide training
    for the remaining three sites, also two in the US and one abroad. A
    pretest was given to all new sales personnel in the training as well as
    to those who were not trained. All other job tasks remained the same,
    and supervisors were instructed to proceed as normal with onboarding
    their employees. After a month of training, the performance of the new
    sales personnel in the two groups were compared. Results showed that the
    sales personnel that were trained outperformed those not trained by 29
    percent. Which statement best explains why this experiment was helpful
    for the training and development office?

  14. Bookmark question for later

    As Avondale Industries grew, the challenge of training more
    and more employees in a variety of topics grew. The training and
    development office originally provided classroom-style training for
    almost all programs, but the expansion of the company to different
    states and then different countries made in-person training slow,
    cumbersome, and expensive. The training and development office
    transitioned several training programs to online instruction,
    implementing proven instructional approaches that made the learning
    environment much like the actual work environment. The big question they
    asked every time they developed an online training program was, “Can
    the level of learning via an online platform compare to that achieved in
    a classroom setting?” Which statement best answers that question?

  15. Bookmark question for later

    With the expansion of Avondale Industries to London, Hong
    Kong, Brisbane, and Bengaluru, the need for cross-cultural training grew
    as employees moved to work at these sites. The training and development
    office developed a pre-departure orientation program for employees and
    their families and engaged a country host who provided in-country
    training after they arrived. Which statement best explains why is it
    necessary, and important, to provide these cross-cultural training
    services for employees moving abroad to work?

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