Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Theory and Behavior

Final Written Integration Paper. (70 points). The intention of this final integration paper is to provide you with the opportunity to identify specific actions you will take to integrate the concepts of organizational behavior in your current work role(s). You will write a 5 – 6 page, single spaced paper that includes two elements: 1) an summarizing the concepts from specific chapters of our book that are most important from your perspective and 2) for each of the three chapters that you summarize you will write detailed action steps describing how you will apply the information in your current work roles, school, volunteer or other activities you are involved in on a regular basis. You will identify specific steps you will take to expand, adjust or change your approaches when working with others to achieve important organization/team results. In this final paper you will demonstrate your learning from this course and your ability to integrate the concepts from the text/classes with the actions you will take to apply them. You will select THREE specific OB concepts from three different chapters in our text book and:

Summarize the importance of this concept to you/your team at work (you will use the formal theories, resources shared in this class)

List 3 – 4 specific actions you will take to enhance, improve, change your approach to apply the concepts at work (you can use the online discussion boards, approaches shared in class presentations, etc.). Since you will select THREE specific concepts from three different chapters and you will have 3 – 4 specific actions for each one, you will have a total of 9 – 12 specific actions in this final paper. All actions you include in your final integration paper should be what you are personally committed to doing and within your ability to make change (e.g. focusing on how to make your supervisor a better leader is not within your “sphere of influence”, however you can focus on how you will communicate in different ways with your supervisor to prevent miscommunications).

The final section of your paper will be a summary of the specific actions you took during this course to participate and contribute to the learning of others in the class. You will use participation rubric on the last page of the syllabus as a general guide to your reflection. You will link your actions IN EACH CLASS to the behaviors in the rubric. For example, “During the simulation we completed in class #2 on selection and individual differences, I took a leadership role by writing down the information that each person shared and organizing it in a way that we could all use it as we made our decision about the three candidates. I also asked specific questions to clarify the comments of XXXX when she shared her ratings about the candidate. Taking action to ask the questions helped me understand why she made that rating, since the ratings she made about the candidate were completely different from mine. . . . “. The intention of this reflection is to help you “see” the impact of your actions (and inactions) on organizational behavior in our class and how the dynamics change based on participation of each student.

Building Relationships at Work (you need to have THREE different sections bolded from 3 different chapters (this needs to be single spaced and a full page long MINIMUM):

Concept summary: Many factors impact relationships at work. The relationships that develop begin with how we perceive the individual (often from our first interaction with him/her). There are many biases that impact the initial interaction, which are based on social perceptions and the attribution process (page 75). The fundamental attribution error and self-serving bias are two ways that we seek to explain the causes of others’ actions and our own behavior. The fundamental attribution error occurs when we explain the mistakes that others make as linked to internal factors (e.g. she was late this morning because she tends to be lazy and doesn’t set her alarm clock). The self-serving bias focuses on how we explain our own mistakes as being linked to external causes (e.g. I was late today because my spouse was using my phone charger and my phone went dead during the night so my alarm didn’t go off – because I was so willing to help my spouse – I’m a very generous person – I ran a bit late this morning). Why it is important in Organizations: Social perceptions and biases directly impact the interactions we have of others and how we treat them at work. . .

Concept Summary: How we perceive people impacts how we will communicate with them. This is particularly true with communications between subordinates and supervisors. This is called Upward Communication (page 309) which is defined as how information is transmitted through different levels in an organization or team, between managers and their staff. The importance of upward communication is to facilitate a meaningful exchange of information between managers and their staff so that the work is being completed and staff have the resources and support they need to complete the work in a timely and high quality manner. Why it is important in Organizations: Upward communication is about working together in partnership with my supervisor so I can . . .

Concept Summary: People on the teams all have different personalities, backgrounds, skills, needs, interests, etc. The Interactionist Perspective (page 112) states that . . . . Why it is important in Organizations: People at work need to feel that they are valued and acknowledged for their unique combination of skills, talents, etc.

This needs to be a full page (minimum) for the integration of the Importance of “building relationships at work”.

Then you will write the 3 – 4 actions (on the next page) describing what you will specifically do at work to apply the concepts you have summarized.

Actions to Building Relationships at Work:

Social perceptions and attributions: When Joe was hired on the team 3 months ago, I made a quick judgment about him because of how he was dressed and how he talked during the interview (he didn’t sound very smart). My boss insisted we hire Joe and that I train him to do the job. I know I have been condescending with him sometimes because I saw him as a sloppy in the way he dressed and if he doesn’t care enough to look professional at work, then he must not care about the quality of his work. Now that I’ve found out more about him, I can see that my first impression was wrong and I’ve not treated him with as much respect as I should. Now I will start doing:

Ask Joe for feedback about . .

Share more information about . . .

Introduce Joe to . . . .

Upward Communication: I have felt like my supervisor wants too much information and is “checking up on me” rather than helping. As a result, my tone of voice is pretty defensive when we talk and I try to avoid him when I can. . .

Give him the information about XXX before he requests

Also provide him with ideas about . . .

Interactionist Perspective: I don’t say much to thank people for their work and I’m pretty stingy with “lollipop moments”. As a result, I will now begin . . .”

Mary – weekly feedback about . . .

My boss – thanking him for . . .

Sue — take her to lunch to discuss . . .

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