Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. 52 Qs in two-part

All the questions in part 2 cover chapter 10-17 in the textbook and I proved the textbook. also, I have (Key Takeaway Notes) for each chapter


***You should present each question clearly and persuasively in your own words with a minimum of 2 sentences and a maximum of 5 sentences.

Part 1:

  • Name and describe the four functions of management (POLC).
  • Define management.
  • What is meant by the term “business ethics”?
  • Describe the components of each element of SWOT? What must managers specifically analyze in each element (i.e. what types of things inside and outside of the organization make up the factors in each element of SWOT?) Don’t just write out what the letters S,W,O & T stand for!


Part 2:

  • Define the basic levels of management strategies: Level 1: Corporate, Level 2: Business or Competitive and Level 3: Operational or Functional.
  • Corporate goals generally are of three types Growth, Stability and Defensive (sometimes called Renewal or Turnaround) and these three types are also broken into more detail. Can you define these?
  • What are the various strategies that managers use to grow their organizations (i.e. the growth strategies)?
  • You should understand that that Business or Competitive strategies are related to the elements of competitive advantage and fall into three different subcomponents: Differentiation, Cost Leadership and Focus. How are these defined and how do they differ?
  • What is meant by vertical and horizontal integration? What are examples of the types of ways these occur?
  • Other terms to know: Diversification, Concentration, M&A, Differentiation, Cost Leadership, Focus, Turnaround or Defensive Strategies. Some are asked above in item 4.

  • What does organizing try to accomplish? What are the three main things it is meant to do for the organization?
  • What is the difference between mechanistic and organic organizations?
  • Define and understand the organization terms: span of control, chain of command, departmentalization, authority and power.
  • What are the basic four main functional groups that most companies have in their organization?
  • What is a matrix organization?
  • What does Human Resources (HR) do? What are the specific functions it performs related to Staffing, related to Ensuring Employee Performance and Maintaining Employees?
  • What are fringe benefits and some examples of them? Are companies legally required to provide them?
  • Can you describe problems and common errors that managers often create or make in the performance appraisal process?
  • What type of interview is usually considered the most reliable? What types of questions may be considered improper?
  • What is the difference between exempt and non-exempt classification of employees from a company legal and managerial standpoint?
  • How have new labor laws affected hiring and terminations from a Human Resources prospective?
  • Why do people tend to resist change and how can resistance to change be lessened?
  • What is the meant by a company’s culture?
  • What is stress and what are some ways for managers to help lessen employee stress?
  • What is meant by cognitive dissonance?
  • What is an important thing for managers to remember about an employee’s perception of things?
  • What is attribution theory and how does it affect managers?
  • What is EIQ and why is it so important for successful management and leadership?
  • What is motivation? How does it differ from mere movement?
  • What did Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs state about what drives people?
  • What were the levels in the Maslow Hierarchy in order from lowest to highest?
  • What did Herzberg’s “motivation versus hygiene” factor theory state? What is KITA?
  • What are the true motivators according to Herzberg? What is meant by internal (intrinsic) vs external (extrinsic) rewards that either move or motivate employees to do something?
  • Can you describe Expectancy Theory and Equity theory?
  • What are the factors in the 3 Factor Needs (or Acquired Needs) Theory? Remember APA. What do they mean?
  • Which is the one best motivational theory and when would you apply it? (Hint: Is there one?)
  • What things do truly effective leaders do that sets them apart from regular managers?
  • What is “job enlargement” compared to “job enrichment”?
  • How are leadership and power connected?
  • What traits do good leaders generally have?
  • What do the more modern “contingency” leadership theories emphasize that was missing from the earlier theories?
  • What is path-goal theory? What are the types of leadership behavior it defines and what situational factors apply that determine when to best use those types of leadership behaviors?
  • What is the best leadership style? (Is there one??)
  • How do groups differ from teams? What are the main four areas of difference?
  • What are the stages of group formation?
  • Define groupthink, conformity and norms.
  • What is an optimal team size and what types of skills and personalities are best included?
  • What is the control process and what are the steps within it?
  • What do “benchmarking”, metrics, and control tolerances mean?
  • What are the economic and other considerations that managers should consider before implementing controls? How much control should be applied? What factors must you consider in determining the amount of and types of controls necessary?
  • What does it mean that all controls have unintended consequences?
  • What is a budget? What does it measure?
  • What are the four types of financial ratios commonly used in analyzing a company’s performance? What does each measure?
  • What do a balance sheet and income statement show and what does breakeven analysis measure?

Business Finance Homework Help

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