Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. 3 questions should be answered about the law in the U.S

3 questions
should be answered about the law in the U.S

I want you to
answer these three questions about law. Each question should be answered in one
page single space, or tow pages double space. The person how want to answer
them must be knowledgeable about the law in the U.S.

I want you to
use the attached references. You can also use beside other resources. Make sure
that you cite and quote.

Thank you.

Here your are
with an introduction with the 3 questions;

Law and Modern Constitutional Theory

administrative state is a central feature of modern constitutional
theory.  It is central because the administrative state describes the
political system in which Americans now live.  Moreover, this topic is
unavoidable for two major reasons.  First, the combination of agency
functions—legislative, executive, and judicial—in the same agencies challenge
our basic notions underlying the separation of powers doctrine.  Second,
despite our aspirations for a government of laws, the bureaucracy and those who
staff it (public administrators) have tremendous discretion in implementing and
enforcing public policies.  This vast amount of discretion is arguably
only controlled on the margins by the major political institutions of
government.  For these reasons, the legitimacy of the administrative state
is a constant issue ripe for debate.  Let’s debate the following

What are the essential concerns of study of administrative law and how do they
relate to modern constitutional theory?

Are bureaucracy and democracy compatible?

The U.S. constitutional separation of powers was designed well before the
growth of the administrative state.  Over the years, the political
institutions of government—the Congress, the president, and the courts—have
tried to “retrofit” the administrative state into our original constitutional
design.  If you could make three changes to the separation of powers to
improve control by our political institutions—Congress, the president, and the courts–over
the discretion exercised by administrative agencies what would those changes
be?  Why? 

Sources must be
used when answering the questions

  Daniel E. Hall, Administra*ve Law:
Bureaucracy in a Democracy (
Sixth EdiHon) (PrenHce-Hall: Saddle River,
N.J., 2015). Introduction,”  Chapter 1

Kennedy and David Schultz, American Public Service: Cons*tu*onal and Ethical
(Jones & Bartlef

  Beckett, “Public Management and Understanding Public Law.”
 Chapter 1.

      Szypszak, “Educating
Yourself About the Law,”  in Understanding Law for

Chapter 15.

    The Nature of Legal Research (Handouts).  (Materials dealing with legal

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