Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. ​Final Visual Analysis Project – Thesis & Outline

Final Visual Analysis Project – Thesis & Outline

For this Final Visual Analysis Project, you will choose one website that you visit frequently (it must be a professional business website, not your own personal website). Feel free to use websites such as Nike, Apple

A thesis statement will give your readers direction. It will discuss the main elements of your analysis findings. Your thesis statement should clearly state the effect of the visual elements on viewers. Review these examples:

Example 1 — The analysis of the five perspectives will demonstrate how the visuals used in ___________ website work together to create an emotional connection with viewers to persuade them to purchase these products.

Example 2 – The analysis of the five perspectives will demonstrate how the visuals in _____________ website enhance the viewer’s understanding of the concepts presented by transcending language barriers and clarifying communication.

Create your Thesis Statement here:

Final Visual Analysis Outline

  • Introductory Paragraph
    • General statements about visual communication and media
    • General statements about the effects of visuals on viewers
    • Thesis Statement (the last sentence of your Introduction)
  • Sensory Response
    • Visual examples of Sensory Responses used in website (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Analysis of the effects of these visuals (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Analysis of how the visuals may be used to strategically reach the targeted audience (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Details, information, examples that support your analysis ideas (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Quotes/paraphrases from academic sources substantiating your analysis ideas
  • Perceptual Response
    • Visual examples of Sensory Responses used in website (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Analysis of the effects of these visuals (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Analysis of how the visuals may be used to strategically reach the targeted audience (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Details, information, examples that support your analysis ideas (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Quotes/paraphrases from academic sources substantiating your analysis ideas
  • Technical Response
    • Visual examples of Sensory Responses used in website (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Analysis of the effects of these visuals (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Analysis of how the visuals may be used to strategically reach the targeted audience (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Details, information, examples that support your analysis ideas (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Quotes/paraphrases from academic sources substantiating your analysis ideas
  • Emotional Response
    • Visual examples of Sensory Responses used in website (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Analysis of the effects of these visuals (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Analysis of how the visuals may be used to strategically reach the targeted audience (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Details, information, examples that support your analysis ideas (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Quotes/paraphrases from academic sources substantiating your analysis ideas
  • Ethical Response
    • Visual examples of Sensory Responses used in website (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Analysis of the effects of these visuals (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Analysis of how the visuals may be used to strategically reach the targeted audience (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Details, information, examples that support your analysis ideas (include as many as you deem important to consider)
    • Quotes/paraphrases from academic sources substantiating your analysis ideas
  • Concluding Paragraph
    • Thesis Statement (the first sentence of your Conclusion)
    • General statements about visual communication and media conclusions
    • General statements about conclusions regarding the effects of visuals on viewers


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