Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Write three paragraphs on different topics on management.

Complete Task 1 Assignment: Company Name (Portfolio Assignment)

See Important Documents Folder for details

2.) Complete Task Assignment: Mission, Vision, Values, & Goals (Portfolio Assignment)

Company’s Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals

(~2-3 paragraphs)

  1. Describe the company’s mission, vision, values, and goals. You will need to include:


  • A list of the mission, vision, value and goals of the company.
  • A brief evaluate the firm’s mission, vision, values, and goals.
  • What are the positive aspects of these statements? Is there anything you would criticize? Is there anything the company is doing well?
    • Chosen one businesses and organizations such as Accenture, Ernst and Young, Target, Nike, Prada, the FBI, the American Ballet Theatre, Goldman Sachs, and Merck, and write


(~2-3 paragraphs)


  • Please describe the company that you are choosing. Describe the background of the company. Your assignment should be at least one page. Please include the following information:


  • Describe the firm. How old is it? What industry (or industries) is the firm active in? What products or services does it sell? Who are its principal competitors? Is it active internationally? How many employees does it have?
  • Who is the CEO? How long has she/he been in the position? What has been the
  • career track of the CEO?
  • 3.) Write a discussion on management at least 300 words.

What skills and competencies do you feel managers need to be successful in the workplace? Please explain your answers.

Business Finance Homework Help

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