Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. create an infographic

Look for an online software that is friendly to you to make an infographic. Preferably use software that is free to use and that allows you to download the file in pdf format or as a readable image, Using . Infographic must include :

  1. situation “Quality of life in large cities” these topics can be diverse, however it is important to identify the impact on the welfare of the society.
  2. The solution should contain the following:
  • Approach to the problem associated with the problem situation (Example: some disease, changes in any of the dimensions of well-being, pollution, etc.). You can include statistics or data on this problem in Mexico.
  • Explain the basis of the problem you are raising (Example if it is due to a type of microorganism, pollutant, chemical product, environmental problems, etc.) It includes and defines important concepts, provides examples, etc.
  • Conclusion and / or perspectives. How would you solve the problem raised? If there is no obvious solution, identify what remains to be investigated to solve the problem. If it is not a problem that requires a solution, how is the issue you developed related to the well-being of society?
  1. It is IMPORTANT that you DO NOT FORGET to include the References consulted in APA format, you can generate QR codes to save space.

Remember that an infographic should be self-explanatory, and not be overloaded with text.





Explains orally or in writing the operation of systems in engineering and simple sciences and of everyday life based on some scientific principle.

The evidence shows:
* The description and operation, in a clear, logical and explicit way, of the functioning of cells and their relationship with environmental factors.
* The explanation with valid arguments of the functioning of the cells and at least one of the factors involved.
* The clear description of at least one scientific principle that supports the relationship of the environment, with aging or some type of disease indicated in
the problem situation.

of ecosystems or control of microorganisms, or of some principle of physics, chemistry or mathematics in the explanation of the problem situation is explicit.

SING0102A Demonstration of Systems Operation in Engineering and Science




Demonstrates the operation of systems in engineering and simple sciences applying scientific methodologies and observational techniques.

The evidence shows:
* The relationship of the different environmental factors in the cell cycle and the effect on health.
* The explanation of how different behavior patterns affect the emergence of certain diseases, scientific data and examples.




Know the different methods of analysis to solve a given problem.

The evidence shows:
* Description of the methodology used to analyze the problem and the approach.
* The use of the scientific method, a quantitative method, and at least one of the following methods is made explicit: qualitative, inductive, deductive, analytical, synthetic or comparative method.
* The methods are complete (include all stages, especially those of the scientific method), and structured

Business Finance Homework Help

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