Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Leadership 2

  • 1.) If you were the president of a company, what values would you promote? What values would guide you in dealing with people, products, prices, and profits?
  • 2.) Discuss organizations with differing ethical climates. What is it like to work in profit-maximizing, trusteeship, and qualify-of- life management organizations?
  • 3.) Describe a participative organization where leaders involve the people, gain understanding, and achieve good results. What do the leaders do? How do people react?

Complete: The minimum word count for all Complete sections combined is 750 words per unit. The student’s responses in the Complete section should be supported by at least 3 references is the general expectation. Include the references after each question.

Sources: Approved sources for this course include the course textbook and scholarly articles from the Bethel library databases. No other source information is acceptable.

Format: intext citations are always inside a sentence. Here are three good examples:

Paraphrasing examples:

According to Manning and Curtis (2015), casting a vision is an important leadership action.

Casting a vision is an important element in leadership (Manning & Curtis, 2015).

Direct quote examples (notice the “quote” marks and page number):

Manning and Curtis (2015) state how “the first requirement for a leader is a strong sense of purpose” (p. 32).

Leadership has many requirements, but “the first requirement for a leader is a strong sense of purpose” (Manning & Curtis, 2015, p. 32).


Manning, G., & Curtis, K. (2015). The art of leadership (5th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.

Tips for Complete Sections

The list of tips posted here is intended to communicate what I look for when I review your Complete questions.

1) Be sure to meet the assignment requirements–don’t lose points for the easy things like word count/source count/source type/etc.

2) Use key facts/ideas/concepts/theories/etc. from the textbook and research articles to craft your answers to each question.

3) Be sure you focus your answer to each question on the question. Please note, sometimes questions have multiple parts–answer all parts.

4) Be sure you use separate sentences to distinguish your source information from your application. In other words, you should cite sentences where you are presenting the facts/ideas/concepts/theories/etc. from the textbook or research articles. Then, in the following sentences you’d explain how that concept applies with examples/application/critical thinking.I am looking at how you engage the reading/research material and how well you demonstrate competency on that material in your answers. All the questions are designed to let you use the material to craft an answer. So…analyze the question well first and figure out what part of the material (you should have read the material at that point!) you can use to answer the question.

Business Finance Homework Help

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