Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. “Shoulder Tap” Crime Analysis/American Laws

Most states make it a crime to
purchase alcohol for a minor, sometimes called the shoulder tap crime, based on
the typical manner a request by a minor for an adult to buy alcohol occurs.
These crimes generally do not require proof that the defendant knew the person
was underage.

Should the same strict liability apply to a host of a party that
is attended by both adults and minors, where alcohol at the private party is
furnished to both?

Should a host be able to offer evidence that he reasonably
believed the minor was old enough to drink?

Would it help your case if the jurisdiction made such a defense
available to bars and liquor stores that required buyers to provide proof of age?

Use the
following case to help guide your analysis:, note
the case In re Jennings, 95 P.3d 906 (Cal. 2004).

Your analysis should be a
minimum of two pages, including a minimus of two references. 

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