Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Choose distribution and channel strategies to maximize your reach to your chosen target market, business and finance homework help

Prepare a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® marketing communications presentation with detailed speaker notes using your own organization or company, or one of your choosing. For each section of your marketing communications plan.

Include information on your introductory strategies as well as how those strategies will change over the course of the Product Life Cycle (PLC).

Include in your presentation the following:

  • Develop an Introduction.
  • Choose distribution and channel strategies to maximize your reach to your chosen target market.
  • Propose a pricing strategy for your product/service.
  • Create and justify the marketing communications strategies you will use to build and maintain your brand and build customer loyalty (advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, public relations, event/experience marketing, etc.).
  • Synthesize your presentation.
  • Include all references.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Business Finance Homework Help

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