Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. FIN350- Banking reg & mgt

“Bank Regulation” Please respond to the

From the first e-Activity, determine the affect the
regulation you researched will have on the global economy. Provide an example
or evidence to support your response.  (Research the Internet or the
Strayer Library to locate and read about a recent (within the last 12 months)
U.S. banking regulation that has been adopted and not yet implemented. Be
prepared to discuss.)

Determine an area(s) that appear to have too much government
regulation regarding commercial banks. Then, suggest an alternative to

“Bank Management” Please respond to the

Considering the bank you currently use, determine the
biggest risk this bank faces in today’s economic climate. Then, suggest how
that risk can be mitigated. Speculate to the risks that e-Banking creates.
Then, provide a solution to lessen the risk for one of these risks. 

Business Finance Homework Help

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