Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Describe Voluntary Manslaughter and Involuntary Manslaughter, discussion help

PICK 2 only and answer!!!

  1. Describe Voluntary Manslaughter and Involuntary Manslaughter providing the elements of each and give examples of each.
  2. Under common law murder, how was a person defined to be a victim? How are they defined in modern murder cases?
  3. What does the term “cooling off period” have todo with killing another person? What would be the charge if such a period was found by the court to exist?
  4. How does common law murder and modern statutory elements for murder compare?
  5. Describe how felony murder is applied and what crimes are involved. What is the degree of murder applied generally?
  6. Describe the crimes of kidnapping and false imprisonment and explain the primary differences between them.
  7. At common law, what were the elements of rape and how have they changed in modern law?
  8. Some states maintain separate statutes for assault and battery, what is the difference between these crimes?
  9. What is statutory rape in your state, what is the required difference in age between the suspect and victim, and what mens rea is required?
  10. What defenses that we learned earlier in the course may be applied to assault; and battery?q

Business Finance Homework Help

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