Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Literature Review Literature Review, business and finance homework help

Please modify  my proposal with 12 font times roman,and citations,references. The instructions are below 

This week’s topic covers literature review. Complete a
literature review on ways to ensure and measure project success for GU’s
learning management system. Modify your proposal created in week 2, citing 3 to
5 different sources outside of your textbook, to ensure best practices for
project success are included. Ensure these best practices include reporting on
user experience, defects, feature requests, feedback, and enhancements of the
new learning management system.

My Proposal


Catering Capers will offer
the community the lowest rates and provide homes, health facilities and jobs to
the poor employees and people in the community from what it will get as a
non-profit. In addition to that, the company will also offer social services and
create employment options for the graduates who lack employment . The company
will also work closely with and help shape systems that impact the youth and
their families in the community. Our mission will be to assist at-risks youths
and the poor to become productive citizens through offering them an opportunity
to learn and work in our organization.


Catering Capers will be a
non-profit catering company that will serve the Philadelphia market. It will
offer creative yet colorful food options for all people including traditional
standbys. This new business hopes to focus mainly in events including weddings,
corporate functions, holiday parties, birthday parties and funerals. Most
importantly, the company aims at cutting the costs incurred by customers as it
will offer very affordable rates so as to serve a wider audience irrespective
of their income status (Weinberg, 2008).

Industry Analysis

The American catering industry generates over
$7 billion per year through events like holiday parties, corporate functions,
weddings among others. Despite the profits, the catering industry is quite
competitive and composed of many independent participants. These participants
serve the social cultural clientele, and/or local corporate although some have
managed to find very unique niches such as schools. The demand for these
services depends on the size of the population, standards of living as well as
the number of cultural and business institutions. However, more Americans are
choosing to pay for catering services especially when they have events as
opposed to cooking at home. This is hence a positive remark for the industry (Vivaldo,


Our catering services will be within the
reach of every in Philadelphia and its surroundings. We intend to serve all
available clients despite their financial status. However, in order to make
effective plans and take actions in meeting our sales and marketing targets, we
will have to write down the category of people as well as organizations that
will be our main target market (Mattel, 2016).
Therefore, in order to get the needed funds to help the poor and provide jobs
to the youth, we will have to focus the catering services to social events
especially corporate events, holiday parties, birthday parties, weddings,
schools, funerals among other events.

That way we will have to be aware of all
events taking place in Philadelphia in advance so that we can approach the
potential clients. In order to attract a wide number of clients who wish to
hold any of these events, we will use our youth employees to conduct
advertising and marketing through social media and any other source of
marketing that could enable the organization and its services become known.
That way we will hence reach all couples that seek to plan a wedding,
organizations that wish to hold events, parents or colleagues that wish to
throw a beloved one a birthday party among other audiences.

Sales and Marketing Strategy

Catering Capers seeks to be
the number one non-profit catering service company in the entire Philadelphia
and so the only way that we will attain this position is through engaging in
vigorous marketing. Our Plan will be ensuring that we get our fair of the
existing market in Philadelphia. We will hence create a sales and marketing
team composed of more youths as they are more capable of designing the best
strategies of marketing and selling the services of the company (Vivaldo, 2014). Social media has widely been utilized in conducting most
marketing in most companies today. Therefore through brainstorming their ideas they
will come up with the most creative ideas. Aside from social media, we will
also utilize direct marketing where our services will be marketed directly to
the potential customers.

That way, we can get to
interact with the customers at a direct level and add or do away with things
that they like and do not like respectively. In addition to that, we will also
conduct our marketing and sales through sponsored TV programs and other
community based events. Given the fact that our organization will be non-profit,
referrals will work very well since the community and any member affiliated to
the company will spread the word about our services and refer their friends and
extended families to our company. The more we market ourselves, the better the
chances we will have to help the poor and unemployed people in the community.


Through the corporate social
strategy of Catering Capers will recognize the significance of the
stakeholders. Such recognition will be manifested in the programs and strategies
of the company that will address the demand and interest of its most
significant stakeholder groups directly. 
The stakeholders groups for the organization will hence be categorized
as follows .


The employees are the most
significant stakeholders. The interest in this group of stakeholders will be
career opportunities. The employees of this organization will be quite
significant as they will impact the performance of the organization in terms of
quality of service, productivity and overall efficiency (Vivaldo, 2014).


The shareholders will be
composed of the internal stakeholders and customers. These two groups of
stakeholders will be very important for the functioning of the organization.
The internal stakeholders will include the top management who will be charged with
running the day-to-day activities of the organization. On the other hand, the
customers will determine the revenue generated in the organization in terms of
demand and purchases.

External stakeholders

They will include the
communities, government, partners, creditors, and suppliers. These stakeholders
will be interested in the higher financial performance of the organization.
They will all affect the organization performance in a different way. Customers
will for instance become part of the stakeholders through their continued
loyalty to acquiring the services of the organization .

Factors Impact Success of the Organization

There will be a number of
factors which will impact the success of the organization. They include the

Resources: In order for this
organization to attain success, resource availability is very import. Resources
can range from finances to items that will foster the catering services like
tents. The organization hence has to allocate resources based on its ability to
acquire them. Therefore, the more resources it can acquire, the better it will
be at the catering business.

Schedule: Time management
will be equally important for this organization. It must schedule all its plans
before it can get to do them. That way, it will be able to utilize time
properly and achieve more. Catering services requires proper time management so
that the organization can have enough time to set up and serve its customers in

Scope: For the services to
become successful, the organization must define its scope so as to be able to
allocate the right amount of work to complete based on the available time. The
organization hence has to plan very well to capture and define the works it
needs to complete in a set time.

Budget: This is very
important factor because without it, the organization will fall short in
offering its services. Having a budget will enable the organization plan and
offer services based on the resources it has. It will also help it curb
overspending and under spending leading to its success.

Communications: For any
business to work communication is very important. The catering business cannot
be successful without proper communication between the employees and the top
management as well as with the customers. It is through communication that the
services can also be rendered.

Training: For the
organization to be a success, it has to train the employees especially the new
recruits or promoted employees. That way, they can be effective and efficient
in their work and work to their best abilities to offer the best to the
organization (Weinberg, 2008).

Support: whether financial
or moral, support will be very important for the organization to succeed . The
fact that it will be a nonprofit organization; it will need all the support it can
get from donors to community sacrifices.


Food is very essential for
the survival of human beings most importantly, it brings people together.
Therefore, whether it is an event or a family fun day, catering services can be
able to afford people the luxury of enjoying each other without worrying who
will be in the kitchen. Catering Capers Organization will thus be determined
and delighted to offer these services so as to help unemployed youth get
employment and also enable the poor afford meals (Mattel, 2016).

Business Finance Homework Help

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