Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Purchase a Portfolio of five (5) Option Contracts, business and finance homework help

Purchase a Portfolio of five
(5) Option Contracts (technology related companies) at beginning of Feb 1st worth $100,000. 

(Note: Recommend Using
for Option Information.)

What did you buy and why did you buy them?

Please keep in mind that you do not have the luxury of
trading or selling and/or buying securities during your portfolio holding

  • After you determine your initial portfolio you
    must buy the portfolio using the CBOE Virtual Trade Tool  ( The commission costs per trade (using
    CBOE Virtual Trade) are $9.95/trade for stocks and ETFs and $14.95/trade
    for options.
  • The securities you select for your portfolio can
    be selected from any traded securities that are available on CBOE Virtual
    Trading. (Exception! you may not invest in mutual funds or the
    S&P 500 market index)

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