Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Negotiation exercise, business and finance assignment help

Negotiation exercise

I want you to read attached tow PDFs then do the follows, but please read first DEC” department of environmental conservation”;

You need to read the first pdf (DEC confidential instructions” first. Imagine that you do not know anything about the other side.

Identify the follows;

1.  Small introduction you summarizing only the most important info.

2.  Parties in the case (As points only)

3.  Stakeholders (As points only)

4.  Identify the problem statement. (Clear & direct sentences).

5.  Identify challenges and opportunities. (As points and some details)

6.  Analyze all options using 4 methods:

· Multi attribute utility theory “Multi criteria theory”

· Probability theory.

· Pareto optimization.

· Decision tree.

. Payoffs table

Do not forget excel sheet with all tables and methods. It should be clean and organized.

7.  What is the best agreement for DEC.? Why? explain

8.  What is the best agreement for both parties? Why? Explain

9.  Make a table on excel for the last page in the pdf. It is a form. Make the same on excel and fill it with the best information after you read both pdfs.

So what you need to do is

You need to make for me three small reports.

1)  First report for DEC.

· Identify all the above.

· Make excel sheet.

· What is the best agreement for them?? And way?? Explain in details.

· 2 pages or more if you want and can.

2)  Second report for Riverside

· Identify all the above.

· Make excel sheet.

· What is the best agreement for them?? And way?? Explain in details.

· 2 pages or more if you want and can

3)  Thira report

· Identify all the above.

· Make excel sheet.

· What is the best agreement that is suitable for both sides? They need to be equal. The optimal option. Why and explain with details.

· Do not forget the form.

· There is a at the end of each pdf. Make an organized table on excel. Fill the same required info. Question and answers. Of course you can’t write on the pdf.

· 2 pages or more if you want and can

Business Finance Homework Help

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