Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Zyscos balance score card, accounting homework help

How Zysco uses the Balance Scorecard – 100 points possible:

Length will be at least 4 pages but no more than 6 pages..

Student’s name will be in the header only. No page numbers.

One inch margins. Unjustified right margin.

Font should be Times New Roman, size 12

APA Formatted document.

Double spaced with one extra space between paragraphs.

The paper should start on the first line. No extra spaces at the beginning.

Please spell check, grammar check and proof read.

At least three scholarly/peer reviewed resources of information should be used and they should be cited within the paper (Wikipedia is not a resource).

Provide an extra page at the end of the paper listing your sources of information (reference page).

Business Finance Homework Help

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