Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Discussion 5 and 6

HRM and the Organization

There are many issues affecting organizations today, such as employee retention, flexible work schedule, contingent workforce, talent management, and work-life balance. Select one of these issues and discuss how it integrates with at least two of the functional areas of HRM that you have learned about (training development, recruiting and selection, performance and evaluation, compensation and benefits, etc.).

How is it Going?

Answer the following questions:

  • Which of the topics presented to you thus far in this course has been most difficult to understand? Why?
  • Which of the topics presented thus far in this course has been most interesting and important to you? Why?
  • What are your recommendations to make this course better?

Respond to at least two of classmates’ posts.

Evolving HRM

Moving forward with the knowledge you have gained from this course, as well as any work experience, what issues do you think will become increasingly important to HRM? Explain your answer. You must use at least two scholarly sources and one source from popular literature to support your position. For assistance with finding sources, refer to the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) document.

Managing the Modern Workplace

Now let us take a look at what it takes to put it all together. How do you manage human resources in a global technological environment? How can an organization be strategic with their most important resource-their people? Explain your answer. You must use at least two scholarly sources to support your discussion. For assistance with finding sources, refer to the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) document.

Business Finance Homework Help

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