Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Complete part C and D about 500 words

Complete part C and D

I have attached the initial parts A and B

C. Based on your findings in part b, critically discuss whether the professional judgments used to

estimate cash flows, discount rates, CGUs, allocation of corporate assets and costs to CGUs and

appropriate fair values in the impairment write-down process have been reasonable / appropriate.

Recommend actions (if any) for improvement in the application of professional judgments

relating to these estimations.

Please refer to the ASIC media release and other relevant information sources to answer the

above question. (15 marks)

d) Based on your findings in part c, critically analyse to what extent the professional judgments

applied on impairment write-downs satisfy the fundamental characteristics of useful financial

information and the objective of financial reporting. (10 marks)

Business Finance Homework Help

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