Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. week 2 — 3 slide presentation in power point

1- please read the word document ” e-learning” attached . this is where you will be getting your information .

2- make a 3 slide in power point. each slide MUST BE AS FOLLOWED ” :

– slide one/ introduction: the title of my reach, why i picked it -subject matters

slide- two /based on my literature review ,discuss the summery about my 15 articles, talk about the finding,what you thought, what you saw similar in the picked articals, was there something unique that made you pick that articles , or is there something the stood out in these articles ,

-slide 3/ the APA style reference .

3-sketch me a 10 min presentation note in word for this 3 slide so i can memorize to present . please not more than 10 min , make it short and simple for me to memorise please

5- please read carefuly what i am requesting

Business Finance Homework Help

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