Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. BM – WKON – Feedback

Please read the text below and provide analytical feedback on the based on how question was answered. Please use appropropriate grammar and APA format and on a collegiate level when responding to this task.


Describe the difference between intended, emergent, and realized strategy? And, if you were consulting a business, give an example of how each of those might look if you observed them?


Intended strategy is the plan the business has laid out that it hopes to follow for normal operations in the foreseeable future (Saylor Foundation, 2012, p. 18). Emergent plans are different because they are more of a spur of the moment type plan that comes about because of a circumstance that needs to be dealt with or an idea that someone has (p. 19). Lastly, a realized strategy is a combination of the intended and emergent strategies. It includes the parts of the intended strategy that were actually put into action and the strategies being used as a result of emergent planning (p. 20).

Consulting for a cafe, an intended strategy may include providing customers with a selection of craft coffees, teas, and pastries to enjoy. An emergent strategy for this business could be in response to the growing push by consumers to have healthier options available to them when they eat out. The company could respond to this by creating new options for low sugar or low-calorie beverages and snacks for consumers. Lastly, the realized strategy would be the original intended strategy with the expansion of their offerings to include healthy low-sugar options for customers.


Saylor Foundation. (2012). Managing strategy: Art and science. In Mastering strategic management (pp. 4-28). Retrieved from…

Business Finance Homework Help

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