Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Project Management.

ISM 486 Project please look at requests on fils down


You are an IT project manager for a large Fortune 500 company who manages a software development team of ten programmers. Your company (CFO) has approached you to replace your antiquated AS400 with a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system at your corporate office in Chicago, IL. You are also tasked with integrating Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) with the new ERP system.


  • The CFO has given you 1 year to complete the ERP project.
  • The CFO wants to meet weekly with you for high level project updates using your Microsoft project schedule.
  • The ERP project requires 10 programmers.
  • Your software development team operates in an agile environment.
  • ERP can either be Microsoft Dynamics AX or SAP.
  • Your entire development team will be dedicated 100% to the ERP project.
  • You (IT Project Manager) are dedicated 100% to the ERP project.
  • Half of your development team have prior experience implementing EDI, Dynamics AX and SAP.


The objective of this final project is to provide practical experience with a common technology upgrade in business today.

Please use the attached example statement of work and project management plan template as guides for your own documents. This project requires you to do research beyond just the PMP Guide text.

Business Finance Homework Help

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