Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. What’s the main focus of the adult criminal justice system? What’s the focus of the juvenile system?

What’s the main focus of the adult criminal justice system? What’s the focus of the juvenile system? How do those goals differ from each other, are they similar at al?

In your opinion, when should juveniles be tried as adults (if ever)? Should we focus on their crime or their age or both? Provide at least one research cite to support your opinion.

What age should be the cut off for transferring a juvenile to adult court? In other words, what should be the youngest child that can be possibly transferred? 10 years old? 12? 14? Why? Support your answer with at least 1 research source.

Your initial post should be AT LEAST 8 sentences (will likely need to be more to answer this question fully). Your response to another student must be at least 4 sentences.

Business Finance Homework Help

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