Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. how news media shape history

Write at least five paragraphs but no more than two pages and cite (APA style) two class readings:

Describe the social climate in the early 20th century in terms of racism and anti-Semitism. How did those forces operate in operate in society and how did they affect journalists ability to do their work? Explain the role that the news media had in shaping racist and anti-Semitic attitudes in the public. What medium helped propel anti-Semitism? How were newspapers complicit in the nation’s lynching epidemic? How did the news media help to fight against white supremacist groups and anti-Semitic figures?

Write at least five paragraphs but no more than two pages and cite (APA style) two class readings:

Explain how the news media shaped the women’s suffrage and the second wave of the women’s rights movement. How did it influence public opinion about women’s rights? Describe at least two ways in which people in power worked to suppress and stigmatize feminist journalism. What were some of the unique challenges that the feminist press faced? How did Ms. Magazine, in particular, change the culture and ultimately practices through its advocacy journalism?

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