Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. evaluator handbook for an exercise in a disaster, management homework help

This assignment for disaster management major, exercises & drills course

– Please carefully read the articles I uploaded below to comprehensively and fully fill the evaluator handbook template.

– Please fully understand the articles and what is exactly the evaluator handbook to fill the template well.

– Its a tabletop exercise, which is one of the exercises types for disasters. Those exercises aims to identify and evaluate the agencies, resources, personnel, and what needs to be developed in a certain area.

– I am working with a group to do a tabletop exercise (TTX) in Liberty county, state of Columbia (hypothetical area), and I am responsible to do the evaluator handbook. I uploaded a document below about Liberty county which is located in state of Columbia. You should fully read this document to understand the full information of Liberty county, which is the place where I and my group doing the tabletop exercise (TTX).

– I also uploaded a word document describes an overview about our work, and it includes the type of hazard, scope, purpose, exercise objectives, the narrative of our hazard case, and the scenario the we are working on.

– please fill each part of the evaluator handbook template below (don’t miss any part), you will find some of the information in the overview document will be just copy-pasted in the template. There are names, phone numbers, and other information that can be filled hypothetically. Remember, that every part of the template should be completed.

– You should first fully understand the tabletop exercise (TTX) from the articles I uploaded, the understand what is the evaluato handbook, then read the information of Liberty county ( in the ESSD document below) that located in state of Columbia (hypothetical area), then fully read the overview of our exercise case, after all of that, comprehensively fill each part of the evaluator handbook template.

– Please follow the whole instructions and requirements I wrote.

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