Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. JMP software Module 2 Assignment

Module 2 Assignment

In this assignment you will use the data set from the first assignment to practice how to prepare data for modeling. You will use this data set in other modules throughout the course for your assignments.

Assignment Instructions

The objective of this assignment will be to prepare the data for modeling. Please see the sample assignment for an example. The following questions will serve as a guide for what you should include in your report. This report should have the appearance and content of a professional written report. Imagine you are on a data team and you have to make recommendations how to prepare the data for modeling. In this assignment you take into account what you found in the first assignment (but make revisions as appropriate) and then apply techniques from the second module to bin, impute missing values and remove outliers for each variables as appropriate.

  1. Explain which variable you decided to bin or re-code.
  2. Use Bi-variate plots in the Graph platform in JMP or Tabulate to obtain necessary information about the relationship between price and the predictors (covariates).
  3. Determine what type of relationship exists, i.e., linear, nonlinear, none or more complicated.
  4. Based on the charts recommend and perform binning and re-coding of variable as necessary.

Prepare the report using the following formatting guidelines:

  • 1 page, single-spaced report using 0.5 margins and two-column format
  • 1 page for appendix
  • Include title of report, then FirstName, LastName, ISDS course #, Assignment #, date (00/00/00)
  • 10 pt Font Calibri or Times New Roman
  • Justified as shown in the sample report
  • List any references used (e.g. Module 1 Resources)
  • Include a title for your report e.g. “xxxx” and create headings for each section
  • Include supporting relevant figures from the analysis in your Appendix with titles and numbered.
  • Submit as pdf with filename first name initial last name and assignment number (for instance HSchneider#1)

The posted sample assignment serves as a guide only. The data set used is very different from your data sets. Therefore you have to choose the appropriate charts for your assignment. DO NOT COPY ANY PARTS OF THE SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT INTO YOUR ASSIGNMENT!

Be sure to review the Assignment Rubric and Assignment 2 Example attached below. If you have any questions, please post in the Module 2 Questions Forum

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