Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Pandora competitive situational overview

For this assignment, you will conduct secondary research and find “fact-based” insights to illustrate the current situation on the competitors for the client organization (5C Framework). You will each be assigned to one of the 5 Cs. For this assignment, you will create an “infographic” and will be graded on content (4 points), design (3 points), and variety of resources (3 points).

  • Your infographic has to include your resources linked to each fact.
  • You should NOT include your name on the infographic.
  • For the competitors overview, you will identify the main competitors and explore 10 fact-based insights related to them in total
    • Ex: Competitor/Tidal

“In September, Tidal struck a deal to bring its platform to Roku, making it an entertainment option for the smart home.” (library source: Fortune, Spotify saved the music industry. Now what?, 2019)

Business Finance Homework Help

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