Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. CHECK POINT 4, draft and the final draft

Im expecting three documents

the first one is the check point #4 in 24hrs!

the draft (due in 5days) is basically an incomplete version of the final draft (due 10days)

Checkpoint #4 – Theory/Method Component

For this checkpoint, you should choose one of the theoretical approaches you have read about for analyzing rhetoric in the Foss book. Additionally, you should read at least ONE additional scholarly article about this method of analysis. In an approximately 2-3 page paper, you should summarize the theory, highlighting the key theoretical assumptions and explain how you use them as a method of analysis. Your summary should include references to both the course text AND this article. Then you should explain how you are going to use this method to analyze your text. You SHOULD NOT include your actual analysis here. Please see the following sample generic criticism method section (attached) to guide your writing.

HINT: Check the end of your chapter for potential articles.

For your paper, you should:

a) summarize the key components of the theory/method (properly citing all sources), AND

b) discuss how you plan to (or already have) analyzed your text for your final project (you may want to draw on Checkpoint #1 for this part of the assignment).



Final paper

Following the format outlined in the Final Paper Assignment (attached), write the first draft of your final paper using what you have written in Checkpoints 1-4. You should also consult the sample analysis sections and/or sample final papers I have posted on Canvas for you (I have other examples you can request as needed):

Sample Final Paper – Authenticity of Friday Night Lights.docx (attached)

Sample Ideological (Feminist) Criticism – Alice in Wonderland.docx (attached)

For this paper, you will need to:

a) Revise your analysis to report the “results of your analysis” according to the instructions provided in the Final Paper Assignment.

b) Revise checkpoints according to the feedback you received from me previously.

c) Construct a complete introduction.

d) Add a conclusion that includes all the required elements.

e) Check spelling, grammar, citations, and typing to make sure that it is as close to a final draft as possible.

There is no page minimum or maximum for this assignment. To earn full credit, you must have all five sections of your paper, even if they are not in final draft form. Please keep in mind that the closer your paper is to final draft form, the more useful my feedback will be to you.


I have also attached my own previous check point and based on them you will do the the final paper and the check point 4(zipped file)

please note that I don’t need the draft now but I need the check point in 24 hrs

Business Finance Homework Help

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