Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Verizon Supply Chain Management drivers PowerPoint, writing homework help

Students will create a PowerPoint presentation, in which you assume the role of vice president of the supply chain of Verizon Wireless.

Required Elements of the Presentation:

  • Your presentation is being made to the CEO, Board of Directors and VP for Operations
  • Your presentation will ask for a decision on a major change in the supply chain operation that affects at least three (3) supply chain drivers and at least three (3) performance measures for each supply chain driver.
  • Explain your rationale for selecting these measures in terms of their pros and cons, using evidence and examples and how they affect the change you are proposing.
  • Your summary will include the overall performance of the supply chain using at least three (3) performance measures.

Required Formatting of Presentation:

  • The PowerPoint presentation consists of at least 12 slides. (This does not include title slide, briefing or reference)
  • Use short bullet points on slides and talking points in the Notes area. (Use “Click Here to Add Notes” for talking points)

Teacher’s note said:

I think I would do one SC driver – and its measures – on one slide.

To be sure you measure well, consider an activity measure like # of transactions

  • but accompany it with a results measure like 94% without errors

******* I have attached what I have done of the PP so far!!!********* Therefore, you are not doing the entire assignment from scratch. A lot of it is already worked on.

What I have bolded in the instructions are the points that I really need to focus on and make sure are clear in the assignment. On my PP what I have highlighted in purple is stuff that I do not know if it is correct or relevant.

I also need help clearly stating the decision on a major change in the supply chain operation. I would like it based off of the information I have in the Problem Description slide.

This is my final assignment and is worth 30% of my grade.

Please let me know if you have any questions at all or need more information. Thank you!!!

Business Finance Homework Help

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