Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Integrated Seminar in Hospitality and Tourism Management – Must A

  • Who Produces Better Ideas? Individuals or Team: Read research findings; reflect on your experience and learning (B9). Due: 11:55 pm Wednesday Nov. 4
  • Revenue Models: Read the ten commonly used revenue models; choose the best revenue model for your project (IA9). Due: 11:55 pm Wednesday Nov. 4
  • Science of Pricing: Read about pricing; set price for your team’s business concept. Due: 11:55 pm Wednesday Nov. 4
  • Income Statement Review (optional): Review income statement analysis; practice and review the solutions of three questions.

You have to do 4 Reflection and Provide Peer Feedback

Post Your Reflection
  1. In your option, who produces better ideas: individuals or team? Please use your experience in this class or in other scenarios (at workplace or in other classes) to support your opinion.
  2. Identify at least THREE new ideas and significant insights that you learned from the scholar’s perspective and the selected research articles. Please do not summarize the content of the research findings. Instead focus on why these ideas and insights are important and what your understanding is. You can also include your personal reaction to these ideas and insights.
  3. Describe how you will revise or refine the way to product ideas individually and/or collaboratively in the future. Please be specific in describing the steps you will take.
  • The reflection needs to be at least 200 to 300 words.
  • Please post your reflection in the forum by 11:55pm on Wednesday. Try to post your reflection as early as you can, so others can have enough time to read and reply to your post.
  • Give it an informative title: A forum post is more interesting to click on if it has an informative title. Use a few words to summarize your thoughts or reaction of the topic.
Provide Peer Feedback
  • Read and respond to at least ONE peer classmate’s post.
  • The forum is a place for you, your peers, and your instructor to exchange information and ideas. You can ask questions, agreeing by adding your insights or personal experience or another points, respectably disagreeing by offering a different perspective. Your feedback needs to add value–not just “I agree” comments.

Business Finance Homework Help

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