Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Marketing

here’s a file about marketing 

the assignment is about decisions, so every week you have to decide and the round will run and see how your decision was. 


the provided information : 

1- company results: 

a- company dashboard

b-   financial  report 

c- production report

d- R&D report

e- decision review 

2- Analyze ( Market and competitive news):

a- industry dashboard

b- industry information

c-  Market Report

3- Market Research 

a- Consumer Survey and Panel

b- Distribution Panel

c- Market Forecast

3- Budget

4- Decide Page: 



Decision 1:  period 0

Go to the  Decide Page, and  set the units, price …etc for each product and justify your answer (reasons) and watch out the budget. (the existing number in the decide page is just an example) you have to set (input) new numbers +why?  

note: you must read all information about the company and the industry before you go to the decide page

we have to product : LOCK and LOOP

this task is a simulation to the real life competition.  

Business Finance Homework Help

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